Wednesday, January 7, 2009

They are ganging up on me!!!

The past couple of days Aidan and Sean have become terrible sleepers. I blame it on the mouthful of teeth they are getting, but not sleeping is starting to take a toll on me. It started a couple of days ago that Aidan would get up at 6:00 am with his mournful little scream waking the entire house up. Not good, because Sean and Tara are now cranky till nap time. Since then it seems like it only getting worse and worse each night.
Last night Sean got up around 11ish crying and did not sleep till 12ish. Then as soon as Sean was finally sleeping around 1230ish Aidan got up crying. He was up till little after 1ish. The boys slept in till 7:45 this morning, but Tara got up at 6:45 and rolled around in our bed for the next hour. Of course she does not disturb her dada she only wants to roll around and disturb me.
I really hope that they all sleep tonight.