Wednesday, September 10, 2008


What is a day like in the life of triplets?? Well this is a our daily routine.
Wake up 7-7:30 AM
Bottle 6 0z
Diaper change
Breakfast (1/3 cup of oatmeal and fruit)
Sink bath, diaper change and get dressed
Nap time 9ish 10-11ish AM
Diaper change
Bottle 6 oz
Playtime (went to the gym today)
Diaper change
Lunch time 1:00PM (1 yo baby yogurt)
Nap time 2ish-4ish PM
Bottle 6 oz
Diaper change
Playtime (went for a walk today)
Dinner time 5:30 PM (2 jars vegetables and 1 jar fruit)
Bath time
Playtime/Bottle 4 oz
Bed Time 7:30 PM
So in a typical day I change around 21 diapers at least that was the diaper count for today. The babies eat all together 1 cup of cereal, 3 yogurts, 12 jars of baby food and 66 oz of formula a day.

1 comment:

monica said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Great post about your day! I love the triplets picture at the top of your blog (naked). Very Cute!